
Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Grandparent's day today was an enormous success!  I was especially touched to see many grandparents/special friends reading with students that weren't their own grandchildren as well. Thank you so much for all your support!

As everyone continues to start thinking about exhibition (we had 3 grandparents sign up to be mentors today!), I want to share a few things:
First, for parents: here is a link to an information sheet on what it means to volunteer as an exhibition mentor!  We will be in need of as many mentors as we can get!  Please note that you do not need any background in the areas the students are inquiring into--the students will interview, research, etc. for that information!  Please let us know if you are interested!!

Exhibition title=

Second, for parents and students alike: here are a couple videos we watched today that very much follow after an IB/exhibition-like pattern of choosing, acting, and reflecting:

Caine's Arcade from Nirvan Mullick on Vimeo.

Have a great weekend!!

1) Read 20 minutes & turn in signed reading log!
2) Math: redo quizzes--remember that the term ends on Friday, Mar. 22nd!
3) Missing work

Items of Business: 
*NEW: We are in need of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes and Little Cesar's Pizza gift certificates for our upcoming pizza party for reading! 
*Class Store: If you have any extra soda, candy, trinkets, jewelry, or toys that you would like to donate to class store, please send it with your child! We would like to do one more often to serve as a motivator for positive behavior!
*Leadership Ropes Course Experience:  a flyer is going home today, but if you're interested, or have questions, email Mr. White at the Jr. High at Rwhite@providencehall.com.  It's $85 for the week (5th grade is June 17-21).  See the permission slip that went home if you're interested!

Upcoming Events: 
*March 22: Last day of Term 3!
*March 26: Boxtops due
*March 29: Dad's and donuts & boxtop dress down.  Report cards to go home.
*April 1-5: Spring Break!
*April 15-19: Spirit Week
*April 16: Reading is Fun Night
*April 23: Boxtops due
*April 24: Girls Maturation (7 pm)
*April 25: Boys Maturation (7 pm)
*April 26: Boxtop dress down.  12:30 release!

1 comment:

  1. (book talk)Brooklyn
    I read Call It Courage. The genre is adventure because a boy goes on an adventure (but it's my free choice) It's about a boy named Mafatu who was afraid of the sea. He always got teased about it. In fact, people where so cruel, that they called him "Mafatu, the boy who is afraid." Mafatu hated being called that, so he decited to leave, and not come back until he proves he has courage. He sails on a boat away from his home, but lands on the wrong island. it's more dangerous then he could have imagined. To find out if he can excape before it's too late, read this book.

    (another book talk by Brooklyn)
    My book is If Not For The Cat. It is poetry because there are poems in it. One I thought was interesting was:
    If not for the cat,
    And the scarcity of cheese,
    I could be content.
