
Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013 (Pi day!)

Today, we explored our areas of interest to officially begin Exhibition!  (see pictures below).  Students wrote their names on a piece of paper, and then put them in 1 envelope in an area they feel most passionate about, & most excited about working with.  They carefully considered our Exhibition unit central idea:
As people act through their passions and interests, they make discoveries, communicate, and create societies.
Then, they chose from the following categories:

Social Science (humanitarian work, history, politics)
Performing Arts (music, vocal, theater, poetry/literature)
Aesthetics (Architecture, art, clothing, interior/landscape design)
Medical Science/Health
Environmental Science (climate, forests, oceans, etc.)

I'm so excited to see where exhibition takes us this year!  Parents, please stand by for information packets next week!!

Also, remember that as we near the end of Term 3, you are allowed to post your book talks as a comment on the blog instead of presenting it in class (although you still need to show me the book in class).  Please remember in your post:
1) YOUR name (first name only)
2) Book title
3) Book genre & WHY
4) Book talk (what you would say in class)

1) Turn in signed reading logs & read 20 minutes!
2) "What If" Worksheet #3:  Please write a short paragraph (see graphic organizer) on ONE challenge of westward expansion.  You should write as if you are experiencing it!  :)
3) Math (9-9): p. 237 all, p. 238 odds.  Redo low-scoring quizzes, keeping in mind that the last day of the term is FRIDAY, March 22nd!
4) Missing work: sign reports and turn in missing work tomorrow!

Items of Business: 
*NEW: We are in need of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes and Little Cesar's Pizza gift certificates for our upcoming pizza party for reading! 
*Class Store: If you have any extra soda, candy, trinkets, jewelry, or toys that you would like to donate to class store, please send it with your child! We would like to do one more often to serve as a motivator for positive behavior!
*Leadership Ropes Course Experience:  a flyer is going home today, but if you're interested, or have questions, email Mr. White at the Jr. High at Rwhite@providencehall.com.  It's $85 for the week (5th grade is June 17-21).  See the permission slip that went home if you're interested!

Upcoming Events: 
*March 15: Poetry Contest!!  This is an opportunity to have your poetry actually published!!  They are focusing on haikus this year, but all poetry forms are encouraged!  Click here for information on how haikus are written!

*March 15: Grandparent's Day!  From 10:30-11:30, we would love for any grandparents that are able to come and read with their grandchild!  Our class will have a read-a-thon at that time so their grandparent can come and join in!  
*March 22: End of Term 3
*March 22nd: Arbor Day poster contest (our school has registered our grade already)!
*March 26: Boxtops due
*March 29: Dad's and donuts & boxtop dress down.  Report cards to go home.
*April 1-5: Spring Break

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