
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4, 2013

We met with our assigned 2nd grade Buddies for buddy reading today for the first time!  Way to help them work on their reading, everyone!  We also started guided math, which involves 4 stations:
1) Mini-Lesson
2) Practice Station
3) Math Fluency Practice Station
4) Math Game Station

Parents, I have added more opportunities for this on our volunteer blog!  Check it out if you have time to run a math game every station every now and then!  Thanks!

1) Read for 20 minutes, & start choosing books for our Pizza Reading program!  Remember that for chapter books, they should be on your level, never-before-read, and at least 500 pages TOTAL (you could have one 500 p. book, or two 250 p. books, etc.).  Then, bring the book to class for a BOOK TALK!  Click here for a great book talk example on Inkheart.
***If you're looking for recommendations for books on your level and the genre you want, try Scholastic's Book Wizard!  It gives excellent recommendations & the genre for each book it lists!***
2) Remind parents on Quadblogging Permission!  :)

Upcoming Events
*Sep. 12: Parent Night for 4th & 5th grade, 5:30-7:00 pm
*Sep. 24: Elementary Room Parent Social, 3:30
*Sep. 24: Boxtops due!
*Sep. 27: Progress Reports go home (mid term!)
*Sep. 27: Boxtop dress-down!

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