
Monday, August 5, 2013

Thank You & Good Luck!

I'm so glad that you've continued to enjoy our classroom blog throughout the summer--the blog statistics tell me that many of you still do!  Thanks for visiting!  I hope you always feel free to come back and visit--both the blog and ME in person!  :)  While you still have a couple of lovely weeks of summer, I go back to school next week, so I'd like to publish my last summer post now. 
I'm sure many of you are SO excited, nervous, and a lot of other emotions about starting Jr. High--I know I sure was!  I just want to remind you of a few pieces of advice we discussed last year, most of which are from my favorite researcher, Brene Brown:
*Remember that cool is an "emotional straightjacket," and that it takes way more courage to be yourself! (from Brene Brown).
*Remember that you are WAY more than just a number! (remember how we discussed this sad-but-funny comic below?  The left side is so much more important!)
*This is something I recently discovered from reading Brene Brown's book, Daring Greatly, but it's along the same lines of our discussions last year:  Remember the difference between fitting in and belonging:
 "Belonging is being accepted for you.  Fitting in is being accepted for being like everyone else."
"Belonging...doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are." 
(Brown, Brene.  Daring Greatly.  New York: Gotham Books, 2012.  Print.) 
*Remember this fantastic quote by Theodore Roosevelt about giving it all you've got!
*And don't forget to exchange this expression whenever your teachers say to find a partner!  :)

Good luck, and enjoy the rest of your summer!

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