
Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!  Thanks for all your hard work this week in learning all those procedures--you are doing great!  

1) Fill out your JOB application!  Remember to do your best and to put your top 3 choices to help improve your chances of getting the job you want!  Due by Wednesday (but you may turn it in early if you'd like!)
2) READ for 20 minutes!  You don't need a signature anymore, but it's extremely important to read every day!  We will also be starting Ken Garff again soon, as well as a class reading program!
3) Bring any other supplies you forgot as soon as possible!  Our class is still in need of 3 erasable pens.  Donations are always very welcome--and thank you so much for all our classroom donations already!!
4) Brown Paper Bag with 3 items inside that represent you and your interests to share!  We will share them throughout the week next week.

Upcoming Events
*Sep. 2: No School ~ Labor Day
*Sep. 12: Parent Night for 4th & 5th grade, 5:30-7:00 pm
*Sep. 24: Elementary Room Parent Social, 3:00
*Sep. 27: Progress Reports go home (mid term!)

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