
Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013

I'm prouder than I can say of all our students' efforts during Exhibition.  I hope what you all clearly gained as learners carries over with your for the rest of your life! 
Additionally, I'm so grateful for all the parent support!  We had 96% turn-out for our class at the Presentation night last night, and I know it was a sacrifice for many of you to be there!  I just want to share the text of a 1st grade teacher's email regarding Exhibition yesterday:
"I wanted to let you all know how well exhibition went. My kids were so excited and wanted to spend more time with the 5th graders. I had a couple come back and tell me what they were going to do when they had to do it. I did laugh but it showed that your kids made an impact on the little ones. I know it was hard work for the kids."

On that happy note, enjoy your 4 day weekend, everyone!!

1) Read 20 minutes & turn in signed reading log!
2) Missing work!!
3) Rec Center Permission slips if you haven't turned those in yet!
4) Some of you didn't finish your persuasive letter or individual Exhibition reflection today--please finish this weekend!

Upcoming Events: 
*May 24 & 27: No school--Memorial Day weekend
*May 28: 5th grade visit to Jr. High (parent night for 5th grade about next year will be later that evening at 6:30 at the Jr. High).  Boxtops due. 
*May 29: Kindergarten last day of school
*May 30: 5th Grade Celebration at the Recreation Center!  5th graders will NOT come to school that day--parents will drop them off at the Herriman rec. center at 10 am, and pick them up at 2:00 pm.  They should bring a sack lunch and swim suit (suits must cover the stomach).  
*May 30: School Carnival at the Jr. High
*May 31: Boxtop Dress down
*June 3: Reading assembly 1:30-3:00
*June 4: Field Day!
*June 5: Awards Assembly, 9:00.  Last day of school! 12:00 early dismissal
*June 15: Photography contest deadline!  Click here for details!

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