
Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013

All I have to say regarding your exhibition projects is WOW!  Our room was a blur of discovery as they contacted people outside the school with questions, found new resources for their inquiries, and practiced problem-solving skills as they collaborated with their groups.
Please note that I have updated the "Upcoming Events" below with everything else this year!  

1) Math: Math UTIPS homework.
2) Language Arts: "Elvis Presley" OR "Eleanor Roosevelt" reading comprehension practice. (I'll accept either).
3) Read 20 minutes & turn in signed reading log!
4) If you didn't already, complete your How the World Works Assessment!  Click here for the rubric!  Remember, you can choose any format--an essay, a skit, a Prezi--but it needs to be neat and informative!
5) Missing work--there is TONS, mostly due to no-names!!

Items of Business: 
*NEW: We are in need of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes!  Thank you so much! 
*Class Store: If you have any extra soda, candy, trinkets, jewelry, or toys that you would like to donate to class store, please send it with your child! We would like to do one more often to serve as a motivator for positive behavior!

Upcoming Events: 
*May 6-10: Special Education CRT testing
*May 13-17th: CRT testing
*May 20-23: CRT make-ups
*May 22: Exhibition Presentation!
*May 23: Volunteer Tea
*May 22-23: Book Fair, Buy 1, Get 1 Free
*May 24 & 27: No school--Memorial Day weekend
*May 28: 5th grade visit to Jr. High (parent night for 5th grade about next year will be later that evening at 6:30 at the Jr. High).
*May 29: Kindergarten last day of school
*May 30: 5th Grade Celebration at the Recreation Center!  5th graders will NOT come to school that day--parents will drop them off at the Herriman rec. center at 10 am, and pick them up at 2:00 pm.  They should bring a sack lunch and swim suit (suits must cover the stomach).  
*May 30: School Carnival at the Jr. High
*June 3: Reading assembly 1:30-3:00
*June 4: Field Day!
*June 5: Awards Assembly.  Last day of school! 12:00 early dismissal
*June 15: Photography contest deadline!  Click here for details!

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