
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

Remember to dress professionally for our BizTown job fair tomorrow, if you'd like!  If not, just wear regular dress code!  Also, we would love a few more parent volunteers!  Click on the link below under volunteer sign-ups if you are able to!  Thanks!

Volunteer Sign-ups
1) Exhibition/Mentorsshow them the Parent Packet.  Click here to sign up!  Remember, your main role will be to help keep your group organized/on track!  Also, the time/day each week that each group meets will be completely flexible around the mentor's time!!  Click here for more information!
2) BizTown Chaperones: Click here to sign up!
3) BizTown Job Fair: April 10, 12:30-3.  Click here to sign up!  Here's the schedule for the Job Fair:
12:30-1:00: Parent training
1:00-1:30: Students explore all the business booths
1:30-1:45: Students fill out applications for their top businesses
1:45-2:55: Volunteers will pull students to interview, using a sheet of interview questions given during the brief training!

1) Math (12-1, part 2): p. 293, all!
2) Read 20 minutes & turn in signed reading log!
3) If you didn't already, complete your How the World Works Assessment!  Click here for the rubric!  Remember, you can choose any format--an essay, a skit, a Prezi--but it needs to be neat and informative!
4) Spelling due Wednesday

Items of Business: 
*NEW: We are in need of Clorox Disinfectant Wipes!  Thank you so much!
*Class Store: If you have any extra soda, candy, trinkets, jewelry, or toys that you would like to donate to class store, please send it with your child! We would like to do one more often to serve as a motivator for positive behavior!
*Leadership Ropes Course Experience:  If you're interested, or have questions, email Mr. White at the Jr. High at Rwhite@providencehall.com.  It's $85 for the week (5th grade is June 17-21).

Upcoming Events: 
*April 10: BizTown Job Fair at school!  :)
*April 15-19: Spirit Week:  Put pennies in the 5th grade jar, and other coins/bills in the other grades' jar for the Penny War!  (pennies count positively in points, and coins/bills count negatively in points)
Monday: Nerd Day (full dress down):  "Help Kids in Cambodia get to be "Nerds" like you by going to school" 
Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day (wear dress code): "The good we can do is "hair-raising" AAaahh!!"
Wednesday: Grade level color day (5th grade wears pink tops; dress code bottoms):   "Unite together to build a school in Cambodia" The Grade level with the most participation wins 1000 extra pennies!
Thursday: Tie Day (Wear Dress code) "Don't leave our friends in Cambodia in a "bind," help them get a bike for transportation to school"
Friday: Superhero Day (Full Dress down) "Be a superhero and build a school for our Cambodian Friends"
*April 16: Reading is Fun Night!!  5:30-7:30.  This will be an open-house style night during which you will find out more ways to help make reading more enjoyable for your children!  Each grade level will have different reading themes, and there will also be a reading magic show in the gym.  The showing times will be 5:30, 6:15, & 7:00.
*April 23: Boxtops due

*April 24: BizTown Field Trip!
*April 24: Girls Maturation (7 pm)
*April 25: Boys Maturation (7 pm)
*April 26: Boxtop dress down.  12:30 release!
*NEW: April 30: Library of Poetry Contest--click here to submit your poem (you must have parent permission).  You can submit your poem any time until April 30th, and the grand prize is $500!  You are also entered in random drawings just for entering!  The school with the most entries wins a prize as well!
*May 5-10: Special Education CRT testing
*May 13-17th: CRT testing
*May 22: Exhibition Presentation!
*May 23: Volunteer Tea
*May 22-23: Book Fair, Buy 1, Get 1 Free
*May 24 & 26: No school--Memorial Day weekend
*May 30: School Carnival
*June 5: Last day of school! 12:00 early dismissal
*June 15: Photography contest deadline!  Click here for details!

Photo: Our author quote of the week comes from Oscar Wilde:

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