
Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28, 2013

Have a wonderful long weekend, everyone!  Be sure to get lots of rest and a great breakfast on Monday so you can do your best on DWA!  Here is a link to my last 6 square and essay that I modeled today in class, for those who wanted to review it!  :)

1) Math (unit 8 review): Redo any low scoring quizzes.  Good job on our Unit 8 test today!
2) Read 20 minutes & get it signed--shooting for 100%
3) Missing work!

Items of Business: 
*Class Store: If you have any extra soda, candy, trinkets, jewelry, or toys that you would like to donate to class store, please send it with your child! We would like to do one more often to serve as a motivator for positive behavior!
*Leadership Ropes Course Experience:  a flyer is going home today, but if you're interested, or have questions, email Mr. White at the Jr. High at Rwhite@providencehall.com.  It's $85 for June 10-14 or June 17-21.  

Upcoming Events: 
*March 1: No school
*March 4: Dr. Seuss Birthday: the cafeteria will be serving green eggs and ham!  :)  Also, starting March 4, a new Hoagie sandwich line will become available as a lunch choice.  
*March 5: DWA testing!  (Special education DWA with accommodations will be the 27th).  You can bring gum to chew for as long as you type!  :)  You may practice more on UtahWrite at home if you write down your username/password from class (we will also be doing so in school!)  Also, remember to practice typing games under Games & Practice-->Language Arts!
*March 15: Poetry Contest!!  This is an opportunity to have your poetry actually published!!  They are focusing on haikus this year, but all poetry forms are encouraged!  Click here for information on how haikus are written!
*March 15: Grandparent's Day!  More info to come!
*March 22: End of Term 3
*March 22nd: Arbor Day poster contest (our school has registered our grade already)!
*March 26: Boxtops due
*March 29: Dad's and donuts & boxtop dress down.  Report cards to go home.
*April 1-5: Spring Break

"Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from taking flight."


  1. Mrs. Wade you are soooooooooooooooooo awesome and I really appreciate you as my teacher!!!!!! You always have fun things planned for us. You are so fun to be around.

  2. Thank you Cheyenne! I'm so glad you're enjoying fifth grade!
